NAVIOS Terminal www.naviosterminals.com Latitude: 33º 52′ 57″S Longitude: 058º 25′ 25″W
Specifications & Terminal restrictions :
The terminal, which operates 24 hours per day seven days per week, has two docks. The principal outer dock, which is 240 meters long and can accommodate vessels of up to 85,000 DWT, is capable of loading vessels at rates of up to 20,000 tons per day. The secondary inner dock, which is 170 meters long and is dedicated to the discharge of barge convoys, is capable of discharging barges at rates of up to 14,000 tons per day. Fixed duty cycle cranes located on each dock carry out the discharging of the barge convoys. The terminal’s nine silos provide 205,000 tons of clean and secure grain capacity. The terminal operates 24 hours/day, 7 days/week to provide barge and ship traffic with safe, fast turnarounds. The ability to undertake multiple operations simultaneously involving ocean vessels, barges, trucks and grain silos, further enables the terminal to efficiently service customers’ needs.
- Outer dock is 240 mtrs in length
- Inner dock is 170 mtrs in length to discharge barges/convoys.
- To load not any WLTHC restrictions, not any Loa / Beam restric. up to Panamax size (80.000 DWT)
- Method of loading by conveyor belt with three ships loaders – using one at a time.
- Sometimes needs (depending vessel’s size) a bit shifting by ropes to reach all holds.
- Estimated loading rate for SBMP about 450 mt/hour fm one silo – if two silos used will be up to 600 mt/hour.
- Estimated loading rate for SBS about 700/850 mt/hour fm silos
- Works 24 hours – 7 days without extra charges for weekend / Sunday / holiday
- Fresh water available – free
- Bunkers supply – not available
- Use of tug for berth/unberth is compulsory.
- Vessels berth by starboard side only.
- Max. draft alongside – 34 00´´ FW
- Max. sailing draft via Martin Garcia channel – 32 00´´ FW/WOG
- Water density normally is 0,9985
- Storage Capacity – total 163.000 mt – 5 Silos: Silo 1 = 25.000 mt, Silo 2 = 24.350 mt, Silo 3 = 24.450 mt, Silo 4 = 71.000 mt, Silo 5 = 18.000 mt.
- Max. Beam to allow discharging is 25 meters.
- Method of discharge used is one shore fixed crane – vessel must shift by ropes in order to reach all the holds.

TGU Terminal www.tgu.com.uy Latitude: 33º 52′ 35″S Longitude: 058º 25′ 24″W
Specifications & Terminal restrictions :
It comprises of the port administered by the Administración Nacional de Puertos – ANP (National Port Administration), the CORPORACION NAVIOS S.A. Terminal and private port, located immediately adjacent downstream, and the FRIGOFRUT installations located north of the latter, with all of them acting under the same system as the ZONA FRANCA DE NUEVA PALMIRA (Nueva Palmira Free Zone). The port premises have silos for agricultural bulk storage with a maximum capacity of around 72.000 tons, managed by the TERMINALES GRANELERAS URUGUAYAS S.A. – TGU Consortium. Among their equipment, it is worth mentioning a grain loader and a conveyor belt linking the North berths with the silos. Nueva Palmira is located at the origin of the Paraná-Paraguay Waterway, an advantage that added to the benefits of offering a duty free zone and river accessibility (from the River Plate, through the Martín García Channel), makes it a gateway to the heart of the South American continent.
- Concrete berth in total is 320 meters in length -80 meters for general cargoes plus 240 meters for grain cargoes.
- Not any WLTHC restrictions, not any Loa / Beam restrictions up to Panamax size – (80.000 DWT)
- Max. draft alongside berth is 32 00´´ FW.
- Method of loading by conveyor belt by one mobile ship loader.
- Estimated loading rate for SBM pellets about 120/200 MT per hour from silos.
- Estimated loading rate for SBS 700 mt per hour fm silos.
- Works 24 hours – 7 days without extra charges for weekend / Sunday / holiday
- Fresh water available – cost USD 2.- per mt.
- Bunkers supply available by trucks.
- Vessels berth either by starboard side or port side.
- Storage capacity – total 66.000 mt about: 14 Verticals Sylos of 1.800 mt each plus 10.000 mt in flat warehouse & new flat warehouse of 25.000 mt . discharging is allowed only at inner dock in barges.
- Water density normally is 0,9985